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Rabu, 08 Juli 2015

The dangers of breast lumps

One of the organ disorders in the breast that is very disturbing is the presence of lumps. Every woman, especially those who have baligh, will usually be realized when there is something unusual in her breast. However, if a lump is always indicate something is wrong and needs to be watched? On this occasion, will be discussed about the lump in the breast and what can be done by a woman when he found a lump in her breast.

Some possible when a woman found a lump in her breast, namely:

  1. Simple cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can be enlarged and pain (usually before menstruation) and often occurs in women of childbearing age who are still menstruating.
  2. Fibrocystic breasts can occur due to excessive growth of connective tissue that can be palpated as a breast lump. In addition to the connective tissue, can also form many pockets of fluid (cysts) are generally benign.
  3. Breast fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of palpable breast lumps slippery as rubbery and easily moved, are common in women who have undergone menopause.
  4. Papilloma is a small benign tumor that grows in the mammary gland duct. If someone is suffering from papilloma, breast can issue a clear liquid because of bloody redness.
  5. Alump in the breast could also be an indication of breast cancer.

There are hundreds of thousands of women each year breast cancer is detected . Sufficient numbers
The dangers of breast lumps
skyrocketed reportedly caused by poor lifestyle day after day .

One sign of breast cancer is the appearance of a lump in the breast . Not all dangerous bumps , then bump like what to watch ? Not all lumps are cancer . Cancerous lump was enlarged 8-200 days . Tumor tissue was chewy , while hard as bone cancer . Cancer has its roots and can infiltrate . If the cancer , the lump can not be rocked .

When originally people thought that the cause is due to heredity alone , hence the lack of correct information . The risk of breast cancer may indeed be influenced by the medical records of a mother or grandmother , but other than that , the biggest supporter is a bad lifestyle . Whether it's stress, smoking , drinking alcohol , and so forth , just be the reason many women developed breast cancer .

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The dangers of breast lumps Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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